Recording Available February 15 2021 @ 8AM PST
This webinar will be presented by Angela Sullivan, Director of Power Your Mind
Being a teenager can be tough, and the added stress of COVID-19 is creating high levels of anxiety, depression, and anger among youth. Power Your Mind: Tools to Build Resilience is a new workbook released by Recovery International (RI). The workbook uses graphic novel panels to illustrate stressful situations and healthy ways of coping to help teens and emerging adults deal with feelings of anxiety, anger, or depression. The book is designed to function as an independent, self-help tool or as part of a group workshop. The program concepts are delivered by illustrating relatable situations from the book “Mental Health Through Will Training” by Abraham Low, M.D., who pioneered work in cognitive-behavioral therapy and methodology of peer-led support groups.
For more than 80 years, RI has been helping adults achieve better mental health using a peer-led, cognitive-behavioral, 4-step method and tools. Power Your Mind uses this evidence-based program to teach young people ways to cope with every day stress. The website allows participants to access more content and resources and to purchase the workbook (available on Amazon) to further their wellness journey
Each week, RI offers more than 450 meetings in 40 areas throughout the United States, Canada, Ireland and Puerto Rico. Recovery meetings are peer-led by trained, volunteer leaders who have experienced and benefitted from the RI Method themselves. For more information about Recovery International, visit