Phone: (11) 3256-4831
Areas of Expertise: Advocacy | Support Groups


Abrata was born in 1999 the dream of creating up an association, nonprofit, focused on the need to meet people with mood disorders persons:. depression and bipolar disorder and their family and friends a dream that created the wings from the initiative of the patients, relatives and professionals in the field of Mental Health, Hospital das Clinicas, Faculty of Medicine, USP, through GRUDA – Group of Affective Diseases, Institute of Psychiatry, which together have organized that same year, to make . reality it ABRATA, a civil association, nonprofit, comprising representatives from various universities and maintains partnerships with various social and professional segments – So the Brazilian Association of Family, Friends and Patients with Affective Disorders born. Its headquarters is in the city of São Paulo where he developed multiple activities with resources from member contributions, fundraising events, partnerships and corporate sponsorships. Association All actions are coordinated and developed by the team of volunteers through the structure: Executive Board, Supervisory Board and Scientific Council. Volunteering in ABRATA is of vital importance to their sustainability and is the expression of its role in Brazilian society. Its performance is driven by expressive works in favor of raising awareness and informing society about the nature of mood disorders, and psychosocial support for patients with depression, bipolar disorder, their families and friends. LEGAL CONSTITUTION The ABRATA is an association . civil nonprofit comprised of individuals and companies who are willing to collaborate in achieving their social goals, regardless of race, nationality, religion or socioeconomic status OBJECTIVES The objectives of ABRATA pursuant to its Statute: A. Educate patients, family members, mental health professionals and society as a whole, about the nature and treatment of affective disorders, always seeking to reduce stigma and discrimination of the disease before the collectivity. B. Promote the protection, protection and encouragement to patients and their families . C. Educate patients, families and the rights of patients with affective disorders society. D. To promote and conduct research in the area. E. Maintain exchange with national and international associations that have the same social objective F. Raise funds for carrying out the purposes . Association SERVICE The Customer Service is accomplished through contacts between stakeholders and team volunteers ABRATA via telephone, email, blog and participating in activities offered by the Association.

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We want to see you at Starry Night!


Paul English Talks!


Hear his powerful story of co-founding 6 start-ups and founding 4 non-profits including the Bipolar Social Club!

Stay tuned for more exciting details!