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Areas of Expertise: Advocacy | Caregiver Support | Support Groups

Argos 2001

The ARGOS 2001 association was initially formed around information conferences in Sainte Anne Hospital in Paris by Dr. Gay, psychiatrist. It was officially established in March 2001.

Its name evokes the famous tag used to locate persons in distress and “2001” simply indicates the year of establishment of the association.

Its main activities consist in discussion groups for patients and their families as well as lectures by specialist psychiatrists bipolar disorder.

Argos objectives are:

  • Helping people with bipolar disorder to better manage the challenges associated with their disease
  • Organize regular meetings with members
  • Helping members become aware of the reality of the risks associated with this disease prevent or mitigate these risks
  • Helping sick environment (family, friends, neighbors, employers, …) to better understand the difficulties of patients
  • Facilitate the adaptation of local communities (companies, municipalities, General Council, Regional Council) national and to better manage the stresses associated with this disease
  • Promoting education for health practitioners and medical research on bipolar disorders through, inter alia, to take evidence and psycho educational groups
  • Generally , disseminating information on bipolar disorder and participate in the promotion of any treatment and any research to better understand and treat this disease
  • Create and Manage Mutual Self-Help Groups
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Paul English Talks!


Hear his powerful story of co-founding 6 start-ups and founding 4 non-profits including the Bipolar Social Club!

Stay tuned for more exciting details!