Areas of Expertise: Advocacy | Research

Asia Federation of Psychiatric Associations

To achieve Excellence in Psychiatry and Mental Health Services in Asia.

The objectives of the Association shall be

  • 1.1 To advance the art and science of psychiatry in Asia
  • 1.2 To promote the importance of modern Psychiatry in the health care systems of Asian countries.
  • 1.3 To promote and maintain the highest standards of professional psychiatric practice, prevention of
    mental ill health and research in the field of Psychiatry and Mental Health in Asia.
  • 1.4 To share psychiatric knowledge, skills and practices among Asian countries to improve care of the
    mentally ill in Asia
  • 1.5 To strive towards the improvement in mental health legislation, policies, plans, insurance systems
    and research that improve the care of mentally ill in Asian countries
  • 1.6 To provide an united Asian platform in psychiatry to promote good and mutually beneficial
    relationships with other international psychiatric bodies
  • 1.7 To stress the importance of the region , culture, & tradition in the promotion of the Global mental
  • 1.8 To carry out regular activities that are incidental to all the above aims.
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Paul English Talks!


Hear his powerful story of co-founding 6 start-ups and founding 4 non-profits including the Bipolar Social Club!

Stay tuned for more exciting details!