Phone: 0141 560 2050
Address: Studio 1015, Mile End Mill

Bipolar Scotland

Manic Depression Fellowship (Scotland) was formed in 1992 and became a company limited by guarantee in 1996. In 2004, the Fellowship’s name was changed to Bipolar Fellowship Scotland. In 2010 it was agreed that the organisation should be re-named Bipolar Scotland.

Bipolar Scotland is a membership-based voluntary sector organisation. It is administered by a Board of Directors. The majority of directors either have a diagnosis of bipolar disorder or care for someone with the diagnosis. Bipolar Scotland employ a team of staff who are responsible for carrying out its work.

The aims of Bipolar Scotland are to provide information, support and advice for people affected by bipolar disorder, their carers and others with an interest in its work.

Bipolar Scotland’s work covers the following areas:

  • Support for a network of self-help groups throughout Scotland.
  • Promoting and running Self-Management Training courses.
  • Providing information on bipolar disorder (through the website, books information booklets, leaflets and a quarterly newsletter).
  • Providing training and talks to various organisations/groups.
  • Representation and input to national and local committees/forums.
  • Providing input to research projects.
  • Contributing to both statutory and independent sector reports on mental health services.
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We want to see you at Starry Night!


Paul English Talks!


Hear his powerful story of co-founding 6 start-ups and founding 4 non-profits including the Bipolar Social Club!

Stay tuned for more exciting details!