Phone: (888) 504-0035
Areas of Expertise: Advocacy | Employment & Disability
Address: 2875 South Orange Ave #500

Disability Care Center

The symptoms of mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder and clinical depression can cause distress and disruption in an person’s daily life. These individuals who are suffering may be unable to work due to their disabling mental condition and should qualify for disability benefits. However, the Social Security Administration denies over 70% of initial applications which means it is difficult for anyone to be awarded disability benefits, but especially for those who are filing for disability based on a mental disorder. This is because the symptoms of mental illnesses are hard to prove medically and people attempt to falsely claim they have a mental illness to receive disability benefits.


As a result, many Americans struggling with mental illnesses are wrongfully denied, even if they truly deserve it. Our organization helps prevent this by offering free resources and information such as How to Apply for Disability with Bipolar Disorder and the Importance of Medical Documentation.

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