The Icelandic Mental Health Alliance (Geðhjálp) is a well rooted non-profit NGO in Iceland, supporting and promoting positive mental health. We are an organization comprising of both users, and supporters of users, of psychiatric health services. We actively seek to support people with mental health illnesses, their family and friends, by advocating their rights as a group, as well as finding personalized solutions to their problems, however big or small.

We achieve these goals by various methods of advocacy, counselling and support through activities and lobby, as well as cooperation with European networks and other organizations in Iceland.

The heart of our operation is the counselling services, which are free of charge and available for all those who seek it. We host and support self help groups and offer inexpensive “home-made” lunch four days a week. We publish newsletters and make our voices heard in the media when we need to.

In other words, we’re a one stop shop for mental health issues in Iceland.
Landssamtökin Geðhjálp voru stofnuð 9. október 1979 og eru hagsmunasamtök þeirra sem þurfa aðstoð vegna geðrænna vandamála, aðstandenda þeirra og annarra er láta sig geðheilbrigðismál varða.

Aðsetur Geðhjálpar er að Borgartúni 3 í Reykjavík.

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We want to see you at Starry Night!


Paul English Talks!


Hear his powerful story of co-founding 6 start-ups and founding 4 non-profits including the Bipolar Social Club!

Stay tuned for more exciting details!