Ranked as one of the top therapist directories on the Internet, GoodTherapy.org is an association of mental health professionals from more than 25 countries worldwide who support efforts to reduce harm in therapy. GoodTherapy.org was founded by Noah Rubinstein, a licensed marriage and family therapist, in an effort to address and prevent therapists from misusing their power, getting their own needs met at the expense of their clients, violating boundaries, and treating clients in punitive and condescending ways. As an advocate for healthy psychotherapy, GoodTherapy.org educates the public about the differences between healthy and unhealthy psychotherapy practices and promotes collaborative and nonpathologically based approaches within the professional community. Launched in 2007, the GoodTherapy.org Network receives more than 1.5 million therapist searches each month and reaches, through a variety of partner and advertising networks, an estimated 7 million people per month. GoodTherapy.org maintains the highest membership requirements, individually verifying that each applicant meets strict educational, licensure, and philosophical guidelines.

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