Because New Mexico is such a rural state, trying to find a provider or a specialist in the field of Behavioral Health can be challenging.  If someone is in crisis they don’t need the added frustration of spending hours on the internet trying to find a provider, a support group or an advocacy agency. My mission was to provide a website that  was consumer and provider friendly so both groups would be able to easily access  information for all their ( was specifically created to  streamline information. In this vein on  the bottom menu  (an area often easily missed  on websites) is a very comprehensive mental health dictionary compliments of the National Mental health Institute. This was added to assist students in the field of counseling and psychology, but also for families in need of answers. In addition a section of acronyms was  added for consumers who don’t understand the acronyms that are casually tossed around by professionals in meeting and events. Added to the site was crisis hotlines, support groups, and advocacy groups because  when someone has a mental health crisis they can’t always get into  to see a private practicing person ,get an appointment with a mental health  agency or even  get an admission to a hospital  ( unless you can prove you are a danger to yourself or others) . The places where people might find help are local, some  are state wide and others are international, because in very rural areas it becomes harder to find local resources. The area  where I depend on information most  from my audience is the area of local support groups because  this is the hardest subject to find information about as many of these groups are casual, and not always advertised. This  area is the one most likely to become outdated. I do make every effort to keep all the information pertinent, but I readily accept  that groups form and sometimes end quickly, so I accept without reservation any assistance in updating information especially on local support groups ,advocacy groups and new or outdated hotlines located in New Mexico communities 

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Paul English Talks!


Hear his powerful story of co-founding 6 start-ups and founding 4 non-profits including the Bipolar Social Club!

Stay tuned for more exciting details!