Areas of Expertise: Advocacy | Lived Experience | Treatments
Address: 155 Second Street

Patients Like Me

PatientsLikeMe is a health information sharing website for patients. Only here do patients like you have the opportunity to share both personal stories and health data about your conditions to help uncover great ideas and new knowledge.

By sharing information on our site, you can put your disease experiences in context and find answers to the questions you have.

You can:

  • Know detailed information about every medication, supplement, or device used to treat patients like you and learn about what works;
  • Connect easily with patients that have the same conditions, experiencing the same symptoms or using similar treatments; and
  • Learn from patients like you.

Imagine partnering in real time with doctors, researchers and companies to improve the understanding of your disease and accelerate the development of new treatments? This is what is at the heart of the PatientsLikeMe vision– the kind of information sharing that will impact the lives of patients like you and transform healthcare by putting patients back at the center of the system.

Check out the following bipolar disorder research tools and resources for patients, clinicians and researchers:

Clinical trial finder: Patients can search for clinical trials related to their condition and filter by location, intervention type and more to find a study that fits their needs.

Bipolar disorder community: The bipolarbipolar I and bipolar II pages make up a collective hub for the PatientsLikeMe bipolar disorder community. Members can see an overview of who’s living with their condition, what their symptoms are and what treatments they’re taking, and learn from others’ experiences.

Publications & talks: Browse a bibliography of more than 80 peer-reviewed journal publications and presentations on patient-reported data.

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