The Psychiatric Association of Turkey (PAT) is the organization of specialists and residents of adult psychiatry in Turkey. Due to its constitutional commitments the PAT aims to provide and promote scientific development of psychiatry in accordance with ethical standards in clinical practice and research. The PAT also aims to improve psychiatric training, patient-rights and treatment standards and to develop and follow up mental health policies and implementations in Turkey.

PAT was instituted as monospecialist association in 1995 by four former psychiatric societies some of which dated back to 1914 (Turkish Neuropsychiatric Society, Turkish Society for Mental and Neurological Health, Society for Specialists and Trainees in Psychiatry, Izmir Psychiatric Society).

Since its foundation, PAT has broadened into 20 Branches throughout the country and more than 95 % of the psychiatrists in Turkey have become members of the Association. The PAT holds three nationwide meetings every year: The National Congress of Psychiatry, Anatolian Psychiatry Days and Spring Symposia (Annual Meeting of the PAT).


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