In 1982 Candace Beardsley, LICSW, founded Spruce Mountain Inn in response to a perceived gap in services available to young adults struggling with mental health issues. Since then, Spruce has provided opportunities for personal growth and increased independence to hundreds of young men and women.
Spruce offers an individualized Vocational/Educational Program, continuous “step-downs”, Case Management Services, and local community orientation. We believe that wellness requires a holistic approach that includes a range of Evidence Based Treatments.
Our balanced program recognizes the individual’s need for a supportive community of peers, comprehensive treatment and skill development to achieve greater independence.
Under the direction of Candace, Spruce boasts a continually innovative program with a national reputation for quality for 32 years!
The overall goals of the program are:

To teach skills for managing emotional challenges
To assist participants in developing a healthy lifestyle
To provide strategies to manage increased independence
To teach skills for developing and maintaining healthy relationships
To support participants in addressing core issues
To help participants formulate long range goals


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We want to see you at Starry Night!


Paul English Talks!


Hear his powerful story of co-founding 6 start-ups and founding 4 non-profits including the Bipolar Social Club!

Stay tuned for more exciting details!