Areas of Expertise: Advocacy | Lived Experience | Support Groups

The Face It Foundation

Millions of men experience depression, but far fewer seek help. The Face It Foundation gives men the support they need to face depression, take control of their recovery and get their lives back.

One in ten men experiences depression, but fear, shame, and a lack of understanding about depression prevents many from seeking help. Men often feel pressured to simply “man up” and “get over it.” There’s the fear that admitting to a struggle or asking for help will be seen as unmanly, and men often reject the idea of taking antidepressants or seeing a counselor. Some men might not even aware that they’re depressed—they just know that life has become unmanageable. Tragically, over 35,000 men die by suicide each year, often due to depression.

At Face It, they understand these barriers to seeking help, and have designed support services accordingly. On Connector Plus, an online depression support center, men can chat anonymously with other guys who have dealt with depression. In support groups, men find a community of guys who understand because they’ve battled depression, too. Time with peers teaches men that they’re not alone in their struggle, and one of the bravest, manliest things you can do is ask for help.

Face It services offerings for individuals, like support groups and retreats, and are always free. At Face It, they believe cost should never prevent a man from getting the support he needs.

To learn more about the The Face It Foundation, click here.

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