In 1972 Dr. Bernard Yudowitz completed his training as a psychiatrist and developed a vision for an innovative way to treat mental illness. His model for treatment was based on two guiding principles. First, he believed that people suffering from mental illness would improve more rapidly in the most normalized environment possible and that the goal of treatment should be to bring individuals to their highest level of functioning. Second, his experience revealed that people did better in a facility that more closely resembled a home than an institution and that symptoms decreased more rapidly when treatment teams stayed intact as the client proceeded through the various stages of therapy in a “Continuum of Care.

Wild Acre Inns has developed a “Continuum of Care,” a comprehensive system of services in which all phasesof mental health treatment are administered by a single treatment team.

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We want to see you at Starry Night!


Paul English Talks!


Hear his powerful story of co-founding 6 start-ups and founding 4 non-profits including the Bipolar Social Club!

Stay tuned for more exciting details!