
Describe Something I`m Proud of in My Journey:

Exercising gratitude in the face of adversity is something I am proud of. During my first and only major manic episode, I was held in a psychiatric ward for 2 weeks. Ecstasy enveloped me, but after that, I entered a rollercoaster whirlwind of depression and life felt despondent and sorrowful. However, hindsight is beautiful. I needed to endure that to realise that bliss was on this earth. I am eternally grateful for the liberty to be my authentic self, and for the courage to share my story with others.

Gratitude is a powerful thing, and it has changed my life for the best. I recently started a mental health blog, and I am so proud of my ability to transform my wounds into wisdom. I also recently graduated and have now started a master’s degree, and without gratitude, I would not be here today. Not only do I hold gratitude for my own strength, but I am infinitely grateful to the wonderful people in my life who promoted my recovery journey. Thank you to everyone who supported me.

My journey taught me to practice gratitude even in the toughest of times. It taught me that stars can’t shine without darkness. It taught me to be grateful even for the small things, like the sound of the rain or the first sip of coffee. It also taught me to be grateful for the big things, like my strength, and my loved ones. I am grateful for my journey because even though it left scars that’ll never fade, I am a stronger, more resilient, and more capable individual, and I know my younger self is so proud of me right now.


Message for those who are Newly Diagnosed:

Know that recovery is not linear – life is not straightforward and simple. It’s going to be hard at times, but you can overcome anything. Your strength is undeniable and fierce – don’t let anything tell you otherwise.

Your mind is so powerful, indestructible, and uniquely yours. You may experience a multitude of emotions, but always exercise gratitude for being here, for maintaining your strength, and for being you. Don’t masquerade the true essence of who you are. You are a force to be reckoned with.

If you’re reading this, I hope you know that you are not defined by your bipolar diagnosis. You are not a summation of your mania or depression. You are defined by your courage, your light, your ferocity. I hope you know that you are whole, just as you are, and you will get through this.

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