Social and Environmental Variables as Predictors of Mania

April 15,  2025 at 10:00 AM PT

Register for the free webinar with Sheri L. Johnson, Ph.D., here.

Why do manias happen when they do?  Genetics tell us something about who is likely to experience a manic episode, but why does a given episode unfold?  We will discuss the social and environmental triggers of manic episodes, including what is known about childhood trauma, family conflict, life events, and sleep loss.  As we consider these, we’ll think about strategies for protecting against new symptoms in the face of these types of triggers.

Dr. Sheri Johnson is a Distinguished Professor of Psychology and a Chancellor’s Professor at the University of California Berkeley, where she runs the Cal Mania (CALM) program. She is co-author/co-editor of six books, including “Bipolar Disorder for the Newly Diagnosed” and 275 other manuscripts. She is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Association for Behavioral Medicine Research, the Association for Psychological Science, and the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (2013-2014). Her most recent study focuses on the benefits of healthy lifestyles as an adjunct to medication for people with bipolar disorder. In her spare time, she enjoys baking sourdough bread and traveling.

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