Sophia’s Mindful Stitches

by Sophia Hasan


Throughout my high school years, I have discovered the powerful impact of creativity on my mental health. When faced with academic and social pressures, engaging in creative activities became my safe place. Whether it was crocheting, sewing, or playing the piano, expressing myself creatively provided solace, a sense of control, and an outlet for my emotions. Recognizing the transformative effects it had on my well-being, I became passionate about sharing this gift with others. I believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to experience the therapeutic benefits of creativity. That’s why I am dedicated to spreading its influence and creating a supportive community where individuals can find solace, healing, and personal growth.

During freshman year I started a Crochet, Knitting, and Mindfulness Club in which we donate our creations to Cradles to Crayons. In February of 2023, I created Sophia’s Mindful Stitches. Sophia’s Mindful Stitches is my non-profit organization whose mission is to empower and support women and teens who have experienced trauma by providing them with the tools and skills to heal and express themselves through crocheting and knitting. My goal is to teach women and teens the therapeutic benefits of crocheting and knitting, including reducing anxiety and depression, promoting mindfulness and relaxation, and increasing self-esteem and confidence. I also aim to provide access to high-quality materials and resources, so individuals can practice and develop their skills. At the heart of my mission is the belief that every woman and teen deserves the opportunity to heal from trauma and move forward with their lives. By providing the tools to express themselves creatively, we hope to help our participants find a sense of purpose, belonging, and hope for the future.

I made a Sophia’s Mindful Stitches website last winter because I wanted to share my passion for creativity with people who need the tools to be able to better their mental health. The website includes a blog on which I post every 2 weeks, a new inspirational quote every 2 weeks, and helpful links and references. I have written a total of 20 blog posts so far including informational and instructional pieces. A couple informational posts include “Navigating Social Media Use Among Children” and “How to Unlock Your Creative Potential”. Some informational posts include “Crocheting Flowers” and “How to Crochet a Cozy Blanket”. I made a board of directors last spring with my school’s Wellness Counselor as well as my Vice Principal. With a board of directors formed, I was able to file paperwork with the state of Illinois to be a recognized non-profit organization as well as the IRS to be recognized as a 501(c)(3) organization.

This summer I created a PayPal account as well as a business bank account to accept donations. I also created a GoFundMe as well as reached out to companies to generate contributions. I have so far received $10,444, 4 garbage bags of yarn, and 2 bags of crochet hooks in donations over the past few months from word of mouth as well as friends and family. With these generous donations, I have contributed to multiple other organizations with similar goals to mine such as RefugeeOne, Born This Way Foundation, Middle Eastern Immigrant and Refugee Alliance (MIRA), Sarah’s Circle, and Margaret’s Village. During this time, I volunteered at the Bridge Teen Center to teach a crocheting class. The Bridge Teen Center is a nonprofit community facility that was created around the interests and needs of teens in the Chicago suburbs. Their goal is to offer free after-school activities where kids may grow emotionally, physically, and mentally in a safe setting. Over the summer I also got a Mindfulness certification from Rice University. The course demonstrated the many ways that practicing mindfulness may improve health and well-being and how it can be applied to many aspects of everyday life. Each week included mindfulness exercises, tips for carrying them out, practical applications, reflection opportunities, as well as activities.

This fall I wrote and illustrated 3 children’s books titled “Rosie Rabbit and the Magical Yarn”, “Tony Turtle’s Fabric Adventure,” and “Ronnie the Knitting Raccoon” which are available for purchase on Amazon. The goal of creating these books was to convey the idea that creativity can improve mental health and the environment as well as provide kids with a new fun activity. All of the proceeds will go towards Sophia’s Mindful Stitches.

By providing these resources, I aim to create an inclusive and supportive environment where individuals can freely explore their creativity, find solace, and experience personal growth. I firmly believe that by nurturing their artistic abilities, women and teens can unlock their full potential and embark on a transformative journey towards healing and empowerment. To this end, Sophia’s Mindful Stitches is devoted to providing the necessary tools and support for women and teens to actively participate in creative endeavors.


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