Greg Wohler

My name is Greg Wohler, and I sit on a hospital help desk utilizing my technology skills to assist users and patients with the daily goings-on with the technical side of the complex – patience for patients, is key (pun intended!). Reading, trying new restaurants, playing board games, and chillaxing with our bratty kitty Lizzie are a few things my wife and I love to do together. She and I also play in a local Scottish bagpipes and drums band, (Denver and District), for local competitions, parades, festivals, and performances through-out the year.

For the past five years, I have listened intently to, loved unconditionally, and attempted to understand more in depth the diagnosis that my wife has of bi-polar/manic depression – Bipolar II Disorder, with rapid cycling. I continuously learn more about and strive to incorporate into my daily life her struggle she was diagnosed with some fourteen years ago. Many books have been read, Emails written and exchanged, thoughts provoked and ideas dreamt and are all essential to this part of my wife; the needing to learn and wanting to understand never wanes.

Aside from the disorder itself, she is not the disorder, not the diagnosis – she is a beautiful human being with much to offer, share, and dream – to be a part of her life, is to experience life to its fullest.



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