My name is Jodi Lee. I’m 31 years old, I grew up in Connecticut, but I live in Arizona with my husband and our dog. I have two adult step-kids and a granddaughter; I can’t have children of my own, but I love being a grandmother. I’m fortunate to have the love and support from my entire family. My husband works hard to make sure I feel comfortable and safe.
I was first hospitalized in 1999 because of a suicidal gesture. I was eventually diagnosed with bipolar 1 disorder with rapid cycling. I used a lot of recreational drugs then, making it harder to stabilize. In 2004, I attended a year-long in-patient rehab that treated addiction and mental health. I completed their program and have been sober since. Getting sober has significantly helped my mental health.
Although I struggle, I did have 5 stable years on medication. In 2009, I was diagnosed with PTSD and began experiencing bipolar episodes again. I ended up on disability, and have been on it since. I’m compliant with medications, but still struggle with mania and depression. I did ECT treatments for over a year, which did help for some time. I’m working with my psychiatrist to find the right combination of medicine to get and remain stable.
You can read my personal blog at