Dr. Miklowitz is Professor of Psychiatry in the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the UCLA Semel Institute, and a Senior Clinical Research Fellow in the Department of Psychiatry at Oxford University.He completed his undergraduate work at Brandeis University and his doctoral (1979-1985) and postdoctoral (1985-1988) work at UCLA. His research focuses on family environmental factors and family psychoeducational treatments for adult-onset and childhood-onset bipolar disorder.

Dr. Miklowitz received the Joseph Gengerelli Dissertation Award from UCLA (1986), Young Investigator Awards from the International Congress on Schizophrenia Research (1987) and the National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression (NARSAD; 1987), a Faculty Research Award (1998) and a Faculty Teaching Award (2008) from the University of Colorado, and a Distinguished Investigator Award from NARSAD (2001). He won the 2005 Mogens Schou Award for Research from the International Society for Bipolar Disorders and the Gerald L. Klerman Senior Investigator Award (2009) from the Depressive and Bipolar Support Alliance. He has received funding for his research from the National Institute of Mental Health, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Robert Sutherland Foundation, and the Danny Alberts Foundation.

Dr. Miklowitz has published over 200 research articles and book chapters on bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, and six books. His articles have appeared in the Archives of General Psychiatry, the American Journal of Psychiatry, the British Journal of Psychiatry, the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Biological Psychiatry, the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, and the Journal of Abnormal Psychology. His book with Michael Goldstein, Bipolar Disorder: A Family-Focused Treatment Approach (Guilford), won the 1998 Outstanding Research Publication Award from the American Association for Marital and Family Therapy. His book “The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide” is a best seller. His latest book, co-edited with Dante Cicchetti, is titled “Understanding Bipolar Disorder: A Developmental Psychopathology Perspective.”

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