Marion Leboyer, M.D., Ph.D. joined the faculty of the University of Paris in 1998 as Professor of Psychiatry. She is head of the university affiliated department of Psychiatry (Hospital Chenevier-Mondor, AP-HP) and runs a Psychiatry Genetics laboratory (INSERM). Dr. Leboyer’s research efforts have contributed to a better identification of relevant phenotype for genetic studies, particularly in the field of bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, suicide, autism, OCD and pharmaco-genetic studies. Being principal investigator of national and international studies, she has been able to produce prominent findings such as identification in autism of the first mutations in neuroligins (NLGN-3 and NLGN-4). She is director of .a foundation (FondaMental) recently created by the French Ministry of Research aiming at creating a network of expert centers and promoting research in Psychiatry. Dr. Leboyer has authored or co-authored more than 200 scientific articles and book chapters, as well as 5 books.

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