Dr. Terence Ketter obtained his medical degree from the University of Toronto and had internship and residency training in psychiatry at the University of California at San Francisco. He had subsequent fellowship training in brain imaging and psychopharmacology research methods at the Biological Psychiatry Branch of the National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda, Maryland. He is currently Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences and Chief of the Bipolar Disorders Clinic at the Stanford University School of Medicine in Stanford, California. Dr. Ketter’s research interests include the use of brain imaging methods such as positron emission tomography (PET), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to better understand the neurobiology of mood disorders and to explore the possibility of using these techniques to more effectively target treatments for patients with bipolar disorders. Dr. Ketter also conducts research in the use of novel medications and combinations of medications in the treatment of bipolar disorders, with an emphasis on the use of anticonvulsants.

In constant demand as a speaker, he presents at numerous national and international conferences and advisory boards, and sits on the review panel of several major scientific journals. Within the University, he serves on the Institutional Review Board, the body responsible for reviewing all new research proposals for scientific soundness, ethical conduct, and protection of human subjects.

Inspired by his clinical work with exceptionally creative individuals, Dr. Ketter has developed a strong interest in the relationship of creativity and mood disorders. In addition to his regular medical school and residency teaching duties, he is currently teaching a Sophomore Seminar course on Mood, Temperament, and Creativity. He is a featured panelist on the Alumni Association’s Think Again tour.

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