The Soup in My Head

“This drawing is called ‘The Soup in My Head’ and was drawn by my friend Julia. We were having coffee time together and I shared with her my fear of planning something ahead as I often have fozzy, foggy mood, and moodswings, although I take lithium and antidepressants. I mean I have no idea what to expect from tomorrow, it’s puzzling, that’s why I try not to make any promises to my friends for the next week, for example. So my friend visualized my story as she saw it. I find it pretty awesome how somebody outside could see my disorder and I decided to share it.” – Olesya, Ukraine. 

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Paul English Talks!


Hear his powerful story of co-founding 6 start-ups and founding 4 non-profits including the Bipolar Social Club!

Stay tuned for more exciting details!