Think You Have Bipolar Disorder?

I remember the period before I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder as a seriously confusing, conflicting time. If you are unsure if you have any mental illness, you probably feel very confused and conflicted also. But the best thing I ever did was get help, and you can too.

The first thing to do is talk to your doctor about your concerns and your symptoms. Explain how you feel and why you feel that way as best as you can. Be honest and open, as this is the only way you can guarantee yourself the right help. Make sure to explain any situations or events that have raised your concern. Also, try and find out any family history of mental illness of any kind, as this will help your doctor reach a diagnosis.

You will either get a diagnosis or you will not. If you don’t get any diagnosis, it may be frustrating, but it’s good for your health professional to know for later on if anything else comes up. If you get a diagnosis you didn’t expect, or get diagnosed with bipolar disorder, that’s great. You can now get some of the help you need.

Look up your illness and do some research. Use reputable sites such as IBPF to find quality information and advice about your illness. Educate yourself about your symptoms and any medications that may be prescribed to you. Make sure you don’t get your head set on certain medications. Trust that your doctors know what they are doing and that they are doing the best they can to help you feel better.

Tell those who support you about your diagnosis. Choose people who you trust to support you through the rough time after diagnosis. Share as much you are comfortable with them knowing, as this will make it easier in the future if problems come up.

It will be a hard time for you, but getting a diagnosis or even telling your doctor how you are feeling will be a big, priceless relief. Please do it!

Love, Pippa Lily

Read more of Pippa’s posts here.

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