Vivek Banapur

Something I Am Proud Of:

My journey in managing my mental illness began with cultivating determination.  I consider this the foundation for developing self-awareness of my strengths and weaknesses.  I utilized these strengths when I underwent the peer support specialist program.  This program led me to realize that I needed to heal my mind, body, and soul through the utilization of my peers.  On this recovery journey, I consider this a victory.  I accomplished and graduated from that program by focusing on who I was as a person and knowing that I was not alone.

Advice For Newly Diagnosed:

My advice for newly diagnosed people is, to be honest with yourself and look for support early on.  I went through struggles with understanding my diagnosis, which could have been mitigated by networking and utilizing peer support.  Now that I have self-awareness I can act with knowledge that I am making the right decisions in my life.  The journey on living with a mental illness begins with shaping your mindset to achieve goals in your life through self-awareness but also being mindful of those actions that can have an impact on your life.

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