Zoe DeCicco

My name is Zoe DeCicco. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder type 1 in 2013, after 20 years of living with a diagnosis of depression and borderline personality disorder. My moods change rapidly and I have very little time outside my either mixed or depressive episodes. 

I also experience panic disorder and generalized anxiety, which can be equally debilitating. Sometimes I can’t leave my house, or hold conversations with people. 

I have been hospitalized seven times so far, and each time I hope it is the last. I am still working with my psychiatrist to find the right medication combination for me, and hopefully one day we will finally be successful. 

I am 35 years old and happily married. I am British but I currently live in Nebraska, USA. I am a military spouse so my lifestyle is one of constant change. This is an on-going challenge for me. 

I find it hard to work due to my health, so I try to find other ways to fill my life and make it worthwhile. I foster cats and pet sit, write for blogs such as this one, cook vegetarian food and go for lots of walks. I find joy in nature, animals, creativity, good friends and family. They get me through the long days; along with books, thrift stores, essential oils, and tea.

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We want to see you at Starry Night!


Paul English Talks!


Hear his powerful story of co-founding 6 start-ups and founding 4 non-profits including the Bipolar Social Club!

Stay tuned for more exciting details!