Conservatorships and Mental Health

This presentation will give a little history on mental health services in California with specific review of the Lanterman system. Participants will learn about different types of conservatorships including limited, LPS Conservatorships (Lanterman-Petris- Shor t Act) and conservatorships for the gravely disabled. The current state of available services for the mentally disabled will be discussed as well as when SSI or other benefits are affected.

Stephen W. Dale received his JD from Armstrong Law School and his LL.M. in Taxation from Golden Gate University. His law firm is dedicated to providing quality estate planning to clients by working cooperatively with the clients’ tax, financial and insurance professionals. 

Mr. Dale is a disability rights advocate and spends much of his time attending disability rights activities, including legislative hearings and serving on boards and committees of disability-rights organizations.  In addition he regularly teaches courses to the public, financial professionals, and other attorneys on special needs trusts and trust administration.  His main focus is on achieving independence while maintaining essential government benefits.  His courses have received accreditation by the California Department of Insurance and the California State Bar. Mr. Dale is the recipient of the 2010 Theresa Foundation Award and the 2007 NAELA Powley Award. He is also a long standing member of the Special Needs Alliance, a national, not for profit organization of attorneys dedicated to the practice of disability and public benefits law.


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