Category: Social Justice

Earn This!

Earn This!

Author: Gregg F. Martin, PhD, Major General, US Army (Retired) Written in honor of the service and sacrifice of the US Military for Memorial Day, 2022   In the epic World War Two film “Saving Private Ryan”, Army Captain and Ranger John Miller (Tom Hanks) lies...

20 Things Only Someone with Bipolar Would Really Understand

20 Things Only Someone with Bipolar Would Really Understand

Author: Phil Cibicki Dedicated to Ian & Annie, who would most understand what I’m talking about here. Thanks for the time I had with both of you and for showing me how to listen, to be kind, and to have an open mind.   I can’t tell which drops come from my tears...

Not a Surprise

Not a Surprise

Author: Claire Gault   I didn’t recognize my ableism until I began meeting others who have mental illness, like myself—all people that didn’t fit my perception of “that kind” of person. Through movies and television, I’ve grown to build a stereotype of what...

Getting Mental Health Right in Black History Month

Getting Mental Health Right in Black History Month

Author: Jayson Blair While Black Americans tend to experience similar rates of mental illness compared to other racial groups in the countries, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but there are strong important contextual differences that...

Black History Month

Black History Month

Author: Jayson Blair, IBPF Honorary Board Member Forgive me for thinking I had fallen backwards into a time machine. It was June 2020, but it could have just as easily been June 1865. In a hearing on the higher incidence of COVID-19 among black Americans, an Ohio...

It’s Going to be Okay

It’s Going to be Okay

Author: Fatima It felt as though a trap door had opened under me and I was free falling. “What you experienced was a manic episode” the doctor said. “You have type 1 bipolar disorder”.  My world was rocked. Bipolar disorder? What did that mean? What did that entail? I...

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We want to see you at Starry Night!


Paul English Talks!


Hear his powerful story of co-founding 6 start-ups and founding 4 non-profits including the Bipolar Social Club!

Stay tuned for more exciting details!