Educational Videos

Eight Strategies for Coping as an Individual and Family

 Dr. Miklowitz is Professor of Psychiatry in the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the UCLA Semel Institute, and a Senior Clinical Research Fellow...

Spirituality and Mental Health

 Rev. Dr. Beth A. Cooper is a United Methodist elder. For over twenty years she has served local churches and campus ministries. She is a...

Family Treatment for Bipolar Disorder

This lecture, titled: "Family Treatments For Bipolar Disorder," will address how family treatments have the greatest research support of any psychological treatment for bipolar disorder. Our...

Runaway Mind

Maggie Reese was a national ranked tract star on a full ride scholarship to University of Idaho when her leg broke while winning a race...

A Novel Approach to Treating Bipolar Disorder

Himasiri De Silva, M.D.Dr. De Silva was recognized as “Psychiatrist of Excellence” by Orange County Medical Association and received the Warren Williams Award by American...

The Five Most Common Mental Health Issues Teens Face

Going to College with Bipolar Disorder

 Russ Federman, Ph.D., ABPP is in full-time private practice in Charlottesville, VA.  He's previously had a 23 year career in university mental health: Director of Mental...

SAMHSA Award Recipient

Join us and watch our Consumer Advisory Board member John Kevin Hines talk about his suicide attempt and his efforts now to educate the public....

Your Support Matters

Join us in our effort to provide online resources and support services for families and individuals coping with bipolar disorder.
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