Scars Reveal the Strength of the Human Soul

We all have scars, scars from our past, scars from pain. We’re all on a journey, a journey we did not choose. Some of those scars are emotional scars, while others are on the outside. Our scars tell our stories. They reveal what we have been through and where we have been. They reveal the strength we all have deep down inside of us. 

So many times, we try to hide our pain behind painted smiles and our lives. We try to paint the pretty picture we think others want to see, but deep down our life is hanging on by a thread. We have to accept that there are those who do not want to understand, all we can do is share what we have been through and speak openly so others can be educated. 

Our pain makes us feel deeply. For us to heal we have to acknowledge our pain is real. I know we can become numb to our lives and the pain. It’s important to find the reasons behind the pain and behind the scars. Behind every scar is a story to share. Behind every story is a human being it belongs to. I know pain can dig up old painful memories you wish to forget, but forgetting that is not coping with life, that is just hiding it deep down inside of your soul. 

I know you will not be ready right away to share your story of your pain. It takes time for all of us to come to that point in our lives. Our stories can inspire and encourage. You may think yours will not, but you don’t know everyone’s baggage they carry. You don’t know who can be helped by hearing what you’ve endured. Yes even you can make a difference, your pain can inspire another human being. I know this entry is brief, but I wanted you to get my point and see how real it is. 

No more hiding behind shadows or masks you wear. Scars reveal truth, they remind us how raw, but real our pain was or is. No one has a right to diminish our feelings or our pain. Scars reveal transparency, and our courageous will to survive. Here is a quote by China Mieville: “Scars are not injuries, a scar is a healing after an injury, and it’s what makes you whole.” 

It’s time for you to see beyond the scars and see yourself for the beautiful individual you are and to show the world your worth and all you have to offer.

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