Understanding Our Cultural Identities and Bipolar Disorder through an Intersectional Lens

September 26, 2024 at 10:00 AM PT

Register for the free webinar with Dr. Lauren Yang here.

Bipolar disorder can often feel all-encompassing, as we are managing its symptoms every day throughout much of our life. However, we do not have to be defined by our diagnosis. In fact, we are made up of multiple identities, but the intersection between mental health and culture is less familiar to many. In this webinar, we will learn how cultural identities and bipolar disorder interact with each other, particularly with respect to race, gender, and disability status. We will identify the unique challenges of living with bipolar disorder and being a person of minority. We will also discuss what allyship can look like and how to break down systemic barriers.

Dr. Lauren Yang is a licensed clinical psychologist in the Bay Area, CA with specialties in bipolar disorder, life transition challenges, and cultural identity development. She is a Postdoctoral Leadership Fellow and Co-Chair of the Education and Training Council in the Asian American Psychological Association. She also serves as President of the Associate Board and previously as Vice Chair of the Young Adult Council for the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance. With her lived experience of bipolar II disorder for 11 years, she has contributed to blogs, podcasts, panels, and social media campaigns for DBSA, International Bipolar Foundation, BP Hope Magazine, and Live Well Bipolar.

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