Category: Uncategorized

Power Your Mind | Recovery International

 Recording Available February 15 2021 @ 8AM PST   This webinar will be presented by Angela Sullivan, Director of Power Your Mind Being a teenager can be tough, and the added stress of COVID-19 is creating high levels of anxiety, depression, and anger among youth....

Bipolar Disorder and Coping During COVID-19

Bipolar Disorder and Coping During COVID-19

Author: Stanley Clark The COVID-19 pandemic still causes fear and uncertainty worldwide. Although the lockdown measures may help slow the disease’s spread, it may also cause greater mental stress. People with bipolar disorder may have a more challenging time coping...

Annie Pan

The phone call came in late May. I wasn’t home at the time, but I learned about the contents of the call from my parents: school was going virtual. I was ecstatic; not only had school gone completely virtual, classes had also shortened from roughly six hours to four....

Cydney Macon

High school is not easy. As soon as you step foot on campus as a freshman, you realize that this is nothing like High School Musical. The older you get in high school, you begin to face mental stressors that neither Troy nor Gabriella warned you about. With advanced...

Ayana DeSears

According to Zoe King, writer for Nami Wake County, social isolation can “cause or exacerbate mental health conditions.” Having finished their five-month summer break, students are returning to school in person or by computer. For the first time in history, half the...

Lighting the Darkness

Lighting the Darkness

Author: Scott Walker On the last weekend of August this year, friends and I were doing an overnight hike on a small mountain here in Banff, Alberta, Canada. It fell within a day or so of a full moon. As the sun set the moon rose. It was so beautiful! With the cloud...

Embracing Gratitude

Embracing Gratitude

Author: Sophia Falco I delve deep into the dreamland of my imagination. I embrace envisioning light flowing throughout my body, and soothing my mind edging out the darkness that has taken up residency for far too long. The beauty of the natural world speaks to me in...

Bipolar Disorder | A Personal Account

Bipolar Disorder | A Personal Account

Author: Trishna Patnaik written on behalf of Mr. Pradeep Kumar Pattnaik When we talk about a mental illness, we look at it clinically. Is it absolutely clinical and practical though?  Have we looked at it from the eyes of the person who is going through the pain and...

Sarah Ross

Sarah Ross

Something I Am Proud Of: In my early years of diagnosis I never thought I would live past the age of 21, I was living a destructive lifestyle and never took managing my illness seriously. I turned my whole life around by putting a stop to my destructive behavior,...

How Managing My Nutrition Improved my Mental Health

How Managing My Nutrition Improved my Mental Health

By: Sydney Batt After three months of my diagnosis of having Bipolar II disorder I decided to join a group therapy that was specifically for people that have mood disorders. In the first session of this therapy we learned the importance of nutrition and diet. I was...

Dear Future Self

Dear Future Self

By: Natalia Beiser Dear Future Self, Don’t give up on your dreams. This will be the most difficult time in your life. You have worked hard to be successful, but you feel cheated as you are locked in a psychiatric ward with bars on the windows and a stainless steel...

Maintaining My Mental Illness Is A Lifestyle

Maintaining My Mental Illness Is A Lifestyle

By: Andrienne Kennedy If someone had asked me five years ago how do I manage a mental illness, I would have not been able to give an answer. For years, I was uneducated about mental illnesses or mental health all together. That changed back in 2014 when I was...

Working Toward Mental Wellness

Working Toward Mental Wellness

By: Tosha Maaks Remaining balanced when you live life with bipolar disorder isn’t some magical trick and it isn’t some tricky formula that only those who have super powers have figured out. However, stability I can say is a magical place to be after years of living in...

Letter To An Old Friend

Letter To An Old Friend

By: Natalia Beiser Dear Chad, In the early 1990’s, we were such good friends. Outside of my family, I have never cherished anyone more. You supported me through a chilling hypomania and a catastrophic mania. You watched me deteriorate during medication trials and...

A Helping Hand: An Essay On The Importance Of Mental Health Parity

A Helping Hand: An Essay On The Importance Of Mental Health Parity

By: Sydney Waltner More than half of all Americans will be diagnosed with a mental illness in their lifetime. But not everyone will receive the help they need. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, only forty percent of adults and fifty percent of...

Last Christmas And The People Who Made It Okay

Last Christmas And The People Who Made It Okay

By Allison Clemmons Hatch One of the most difficult seasons for many is upon us. Those of us who celebrate Christmas, not just those of us who grapple with the symptoms of bipolar disorder, have a tough time maintaining any sort of cheerful disposition, for a...

Hello Panic, Still Surprising After All These Years

Hello Panic, Still Surprising After All These Years

By: Lori Lane-Murphy Halloween is long over. Tell that to the demon climbing up my ribcage. I’m not sure even the Exorcist himself stood a chance against the terror that clutched at me last night with determined fingers and the express purpose to bring me down. I...

International Day Of Persons With Disability

International Day Of Persons With Disability

By: Liz Wilson “International Day of Persons with Disabilities (December 3) is an international observance promoted by the United Nations since 1992. It has been celebrated with varying degrees of success around the planet. The observance of the Day aims to promote an...

The Masks We Wear: Being Honest About Our Feelings

By: Conor Bezane I feel a lot of pressure. Pressure to take my meds and stay on them. Pressure to be a good son, brother, and uncle. Pressure to be a man. Pressure to conform and lead a healthy, happy life. It’s tough, but I’ve learned to maintain composure and grace...

Why I Stay

Why I Stay

By: Laura Sanscartier In the throes of my bipolar depression and psychosis, all I wanted to do was die. This has happened multiple times in my life. I have attempted suicide multiple times. I was sure that the only way to relieve the stress on my spouse and family was...

Wife, Mother, And Survivor

Wife, Mother, And Survivor

By: Tosha Maaks I am a lucky suicide survivor. In 2008 I tried to end my life after a hard day at my job. I came home, and I said good-bye to my children, and I climbed into bed to snuggle with my middle child and say my good-byes to him. My husband knew something...

It’s Cool To Be Kind

It’s Cool To Be Kind

By: Andrienne Kennedy “As you get older, you will discover that you have two hands.  One for helping yourself, one for helping others.” – Audrey Hepburn Last year was a pivotal year for me. I was 39, and really started thinking about my 40th birthday which would...

3 Stigmas About Bipolar Disorder – Debunked

3 Stigmas About Bipolar Disorder – Debunked

By: Kam We all hear the word ‘bipolar’ bandied around today when describing someone who is indecisive or even describing the weather when it doesn’t seem to know if it wants to rain or shine. Comments like these show a lack of understanding about the...

Reporting From The Edge

Reporting From The Edge

By: Liz Wilson Without breadcrumbs to find my way back depression often leaves me lost in the abyss. Kay Redfield Jamison described holding death as close as dungarees… And I wear you my friend like a battle scar, a gentle reminder of where I’ve been… And I know that...

My Misadventures With Weight Gain And Bipolar

My Misadventures With Weight Gain And Bipolar

By: Conor Bezane I used to be rail thin. Skinny jeans and all. Ironically, since getting sober seven years ago, I’ve developed what might be mistaken for a beer gut. It’s not drastic, but I have definitely changed from a small to a medium shirt thanks to my potbelly....

Check Your Meds Day

Check Your Meds Day

By: Danielle Workman October 21st is Check Your Meds Day. This is one of those daily holidays that I actually feel is very helpful to anyone on medications at all, not just medications for mental health. Checking your medications throughout your treatment is something...

The Parity Act Is Important To Me

The Parity Act Is Important To Me

By: Andrienne Kennedy Before I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and generalized anxiety disorder, I was clueless. I was clueless about mental health and mental illness. My knowledge on the topic was non-existent. The reason why I did not know about mental health or...

Andrienne Kennedy

Andrienne Kennedy

After suffering with what she thought was just depression for over 20 years, Andrienne Kennedy was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and generalized anxiety disorder back in 2014.  For the 1st couple of years, she was in deep denial of her diagnosis because of the harsh...

Jealousy And Bipolar: Lies My Head Tells Me

Jealousy And Bipolar: Lies My Head Tells Me

By: Alexis Zinkerman I was chatting with another bipolar friend this weekend on the phone and the topic of conversation turned to jealousy. And I started to wonder how many other bipolar people struggle with the green-eyed monster old envy. Is this a feeling that goes...

What It Means To Live Bipolar Strong

What It Means To Live Bipolar Strong

By Eleora Han, PhD Sometimes life doesn’t turn out as you plan.  I learned this the hard way. I was living a secure, comfortable life. Married and about to graduate with my doctoral degree, most of my thoughts were focused on the family we would start together....

Dr. Eleora Han

Dr. Eleora Han

Dr. Eleora Han is a licensed clinical psychologist and writer whose work focuses on depression, bipolar, and stress related disorders. As a doctor, patient, and person living with bipolar disorder, she understands firsthand the pain that it can bring and the critical...

An Apology To My Dead Dad – A Letter From The Psych Ward

An Apology To My Dead Dad – A Letter From The Psych Ward

By: Ryan Heffernan Dear Dad, Can you hear me? You don’t have to answer that. I can feel your spirit every day, moving as a battlefield wraith through my wartorn life. Sometimes you’re my blooming, purple Jacaranda tree, sometimes you’re a star constellation gently...

Dear Younger Me

Dear Younger Me

By: Laura Sanscartier  Dearest Laura, I call you dearest because I know you don’t believe it about yourself, but you are dear to so many. Right now, at 19 years of age, you want to cease existing, and you’re trying to figure out how. I want to tell you to...

How Writing Has Helped Myself And Others With Bipolar Disorder

How Writing Has Helped Myself And Others With Bipolar Disorder

By: Natalia Beiser Writing a book has been one of my bucket list goals. However an autobiography about my life may not be of interest to many readers.    I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder twenty four years ago. I consider myself to be a walking wealth of knowledge...

Staying Alive For The Little Things

Staying Alive For The Little Things

By: Danielle Workman I used to believe that I had to stay alive for the big things. For the most important people in my life, for those big, enormous reasons that everyone tells you to stay alive for. It felt more like a responsibility and less like an actual reason...

My Guide To Help You Through Suicide Recovery

My Guide To Help You Through Suicide Recovery

By: John Poehler I have a unique perspective when it comes to suicide. I am the survivor of multiple suicide attempts. It is difficult for me to admit this, but my goal is to help anybody in a situation where they are contemplating suicide. There is no need for me to...

Combating Suicidal Depression

Combating Suicidal Depression

By: Tosha Maaks September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month and so many things come to mind when talking about this subject. I personally am happy to say I no long experience suicidal depression but many people with bipolar disorder have thoughts of suicide...

Why Come Out From 9 Years In Hiding To Bring My Story To You?

Why Come Out From 9 Years In Hiding To Bring My Story To You?

By: Ryan Heffernan  Mental health is hell of a thing. Changes a man, truth be told. Kills some too. I have done serious time at the mercy of my bipolar moods. But mercy is probably the wrong word. Because mercy is noticeable mostly for its absence. But then that’s not...

Ryan Heffernan

Ryan Heffernan is an Australian author and writer. His latest work is a dreamy, soulful, funny and ink black bipolar memoir, Clown & I (2018). Clown & I is a unique and confronting exploration of Ryan’s magical and magnetic life with bipolar disorder,...

It Took A Village

It Took A Village

By: Liz Wilson Dear Supporter;  You are the Mother who answered little Liz’s incessant questions when my curiosity exhausted everyone else. You listened to me and that made me feel important and validated. Gave me a thirst for knowledge that remains insatiable to this...

Bipolar And My Unpredictable Aging Brain

Bipolar And My Unpredictable Aging Brain

By: Lori Lane-Murphy I turned 50 this year. That’s cause for celebration. I have been on this planet for 50 years and experienced the highs and lows that come with a half a century of living. I continue to experience the highs and lows of living with bipolar disorder....

5 Top Tips For Managing Mental Health While Attending University

5 Top Tips For Managing Mental Health While Attending University

By: John Poehler Going to university is an extremely fun and exciting time of life. Most students juggle an intense class schedule, social life, and dorm living. For the most part, it is the first time a student will be away from their home for the first time. Let’s...

Music And Mental Health

Music And Mental Health

By: Tosha Maaks Music is a special thing when you have a mental health disorder like bipolar. When you are feeling manic it works off some energy but when you are feeling depressed it really gives you something to look forward too. Recently I was going through a bad...

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