


Balans är ett riksförbund bestående av tio lokalföreningar. Vi vänder oss till personer som har upplevt depression, omväxlande perioder av depression och mani, har drabbats av ”utbrändhet” (utmattningsdepression) eller dystymi (en lindrigare men ibland långvarig form...

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Balance NZ

Balance NZ

The mission of Balance NZ is to promote the wellbeing of those affected by mental illness.We do this by building and maintaining networks, providing information, education, support, training, advocacy, and research, and having active collaboration with other...

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Australasian Society for Bipolar & Depressive Disorders

The Australasian Society for Bipolar & Depressive Disorders (ASBDD) is a not for profit limited liability company registered by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission under the Corporations Act 2001 on 28 April 2005. The inaugural meeting of the...

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Associoao de Apoio Aos Doentes

Associoao de Apoio Aos Doentes

A Associação tem como âmbito todo o território nacional, abrange doentes, familiares, médicos, psicólogos, enfermeiros, técnicos de serviço social e outros profissionais, e tem como objectivos nomeadamente: A reabilitação psicossocial com vista a desenvolver e...

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Associacio de Bipolars de Catalunya

Estatuts  del ’Associació de Bipolars de Catalunya: La promoció de l’agrupació d’afectats (pacients, familiars i amics). La difusió d’informació i sensibilització de l’opinió pública sobre aquesta malaltia. La lluita contra els prejudicis, pors ancestrals i l’estigma...

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Asociatia Romana de Psihiatrie si Psihoterapie

Asociatia Romana de Psihiatrie si Psihoterapie

Asociatia Româna de Psihiatrie i Psihoterapie este asociatia profesional national a psihiatrilor din România. A fost înfiin?at?, în condi?iile legii, în anul 1990 ?i are ca obiect dezvoltarea ?i perfec?ionarea tuturor activit??ilor de baz? din domeniul psihiatriei ?i...

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Alianza Para La Depresion

Alianza Para La Depresion

La depresión no es solo un estado de ánimo, ni un signo de debilidad personal o vulnerabilidad de carácter. Es una enfermedad ocasionada por un desequilibrio de las sustancias químicas del cerebro llamados neurotransmisores, que se manifiesta con variedad de síntomas...

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FUBIPA is a Mutual Aid Organization Civil supplementing offering psychiatric and psychotherapeutic treatments, free of charge, the following services: Mutual Help Groups (GAM) for people with Bipolar Disorder (TB) . Mutual Help Groups (GAM) for family and friends of...

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Association of Romania Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

Romanian Association of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (ARPP) is the national professional association of psychiatrists in Romania. was founded, under the law, in 1990 and was aimed at developing and improving all core activities in the field of psychiatry and mental...

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ASHA International

ASHA International

ASHA International’s mission is to promote personal, organizational, and community wellness through mental health education, training and support.  

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Survivors of Suicide Loss

Survivors of Suicide Loss

The Survivors of Suicide Loss (SOSL) group evolved from a Traumatic Death support group started in February, 1981, by the Grief Center of Episcopal Community Services. As a result of apparent need, a group specially oriented to suicide deaths was established in March...

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Mental Health Ministries

Mental Health Ministries

Mental Health Ministries has evolved into an ecumenical and interfaith outreach. It works with faith communities, advocacy groups, community organizations and mental health professionals. The focus is on using one’s faith and spirituality as an important part of the recovery and treatment process and as a way for family members to find strength and hope in caring for a loved one with a mental illness.

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American Centre for Psychiatry and Neurology in Abu Dhabi.

American Centre for Psychiatry and Neurology in Abu Dhabi.

The American Center for Psychiatry and Neurology (ACPN) was founded to meet the need for high quality psychiatric and neurological services in the UAE. ACPN has received numerous certificates and awards from ADNOC, Seha, NBAD, an A+ rating by DAMAN National Health...

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INMI: Interfaith Network on Mental Illness

INMI: Interfaith Network on Mental Illness

Our mission is to increase awareness and understanding of mental illness among clergy, staff, lay leaders and members of faith communities and help them more effectively develop and nurture supportive environments for persons dealing with mental illnesses and their families and friends.

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California SELPA’S

California SELPA’S

What is SELPA? In 1977, all school districts and county school offices were mandated to form consortiums in geographical regions of sufficient size and scope to provide for all special education service needs of children residing within the region boundaries. Each...

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Bipolar Network News

Bipolar Network News

Bipolar Network News is both an online clearinghouse of information about mood disorders, and a quarterly print and email publication.  We provide updates on the latest research about bipolar disorder, gleaned from abstracts, meetings, and pre-publication sources.

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Abrata was born in 1999 the dream of creating up an association, nonprofit, focused on the need to meet people with mood disorders persons:. depression and bipolar disorder and their family and friends a dream that created the wings from the initiative of the...

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Job Accommodation Network

Job Accommodation Network

The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is the leading source of free, expert, and confidential guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues. JAN helps people with disabilities enhance their employability, and shows employers how to capitalize on the value and talent that people with disabilities add to the workplace.

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