Category: Stories of Hope and Recovery

Anja Burcak

Anja Burcak

Something I Am Proud Of: I developed bipolar disorder halfway through college. This made the second half of college much more challenging. I took several semesters off. Imagine trying to take classes while depression drains you of motivation, energy, and ability to...

Rebecca Lombardo

Rebecca Lombardo

Something I Am Proud Of: Ever since I was a little girl, I dreamt of being an author. Over the years, I made positive steps towards writing a book, but it never came to fruition. Back in 2013, my bipolar disorder was strangling me every single day. It seemed like I...

Alyssa McHugh

Alyssa McHugh

Something I Am Proud Of: Being unapologetically me. When I was first diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, I was in denial and afraid of the stigma that surrounded mental health disorders. It took me a year to finally share with my friends and family. Now, I am proud of...

Veronica S.

Veronica S.

Something I Am Proud Of: This year marks my 10th anniversary (I guess) of understanding what makes me different. What has been paramount in my success is staying on top of myself- accountability, resilience, and love. I can say I have not lived the conformed cookie...

Flo Saulnier

Flo Saulnier

Something I Am Proud Of: To tell my girlfriend, and my boss that I need to pause my life and seek immediate help before I try (again) to harm myself. To be comfortable telling people how I feel and why I will ‘disappear’ for a month to receive therapy and...

Vivek Banapur

Vivek Banapur

Something I Am Proud Of: My journey in managing my mental illness began with cultivating determination.  I consider this the foundation for developing self-awareness of my strengths and weaknesses.  I utilized these strengths when I underwent the peer support...

Carrie Cantwell

Carrie Cantwell

Something I Am Proud Of: The thing I am most proud of is finishing my over three-hundred-page memoir about my experiences entitled Daddy Issues: A Bipolar Memoir. I have lived through so much, and I’m so proud that I’ve been able to make sense of my life...

Kris McElroy

Kris McElroy

Something I Am Proud Of: I am most proud of how far I have come over the years. I remember how I felt when I kept relapsing and was navigating managing my mental illness as well as caring for another person with bipolar disorder. Graduating college, being in a healthy...

Lawrence Van Treeck

Lawrence Van Treeck

Something I Am Proud Of: I am proud of myself for learning to better manage my anxiety. It has been a long road, with lots of hard work, and I have learned a lot about myself and my anxiety. For example, it largely shows up in work environments, in large group...



Something I Am Proud Of: Existing with bipolar disorder and other comorbid mental illnesses is something that I often remind myself is more than enough to be proud of. I am proud that I exemplify courage and resilience and refuse to settle for anything less than what...

Thea Madeline Porter

Thea Madeline Porter

Something I Am Proud Of: It’s been 7 years since my last episode and 10 years since first diagnosis. I’m determined never to have one again. With blood, sweat, tears and a lot of CBT, while being medically compliant, I am walking on the other side,...

Angela McCrimmon

Angela McCrimmon

Something I Am Proud Of: Something I’m proud of in my journey of managing my mental illness is publishing a book of poetry about my experience with health professionals and educating them on how things are from the other side of their treatment. My book is a...

Lauren Meredith

Lauren Meredith

Something I Am Proud Of: The moment I realized I am like everybody else despite my diagnosis’ was the light in my journey.  I realized my diagnosis of mental health problems is no different than physical diagnosis like asthma or diabetes. Ultimately, when I saw myself...

Gregory Gebhart

Gregory Gebhart

Something I Am Proud Of: I am especially proud of the fact that I was able to write and self-publish “The Mental Patient: A Journey of Faith” on Amazon. This fictional memoir is based on my 65 years of struggling with bipolar with psychosis. It came in three stages...

Mindy Morgan

Mindy Morgan

Something I Am Proud Of: One time I led a local community training on mental illness and I decided to integrate my own experiences with recovery into the training. It was a leap for me because my illness would be made public. The response was huge and people...

Valéry Brosseau

Valéry Brosseau

Something I Am Proud Of: For years I thought if I tried harder I could be different, normal. I was diagnosed in my 20s and finally found hope. I now know there is a name for what I experience and that there is treatment. I’ve tried to give positive meaning to my...

Irene Bucken

Irene Bucken

Something I Am Proud Of: I completed my 10 month DBT class, and got my first full-time job during treatment! Advice For Newly Diagnosed: Learn how to access the beauty and creativity through the ups and downs. Getting treatment, whatever that means for you, is...

Kim Barnett

Kim Barnett

Something I Am Proud Of: I was diagnosed more than 16 years ago, and have struggled tremendously with my diagnosis. Through all of the bumps in the road, I have never given up on myself. There have been times when I’ve been overwhelmed by this disorder, but I continue...

Jessica Kaushik

Jessica Kaushik

Something I Am Proud Of: I am proud of the moment that I realized that I wanted to become a Yoga Teacher. Yoga is about yoking the mind, body & soul – aligning with the Powers that be. So, you see, I was most pleased to have had the courage to face the Spiritual...

Kelly Taylor

Kelly Taylor

Something I Am Proud Of: I am succeeding by fulfilling my daily commitments to my kids, my family, my friends, and my job. I am fighting every day with the help of my support system. My proudest moment in my journey has been the day I became a facilitator for DBSA...

Caoimhe Anne Mercer

Caoimhe Anne Mercer

Something I Am Proud Of: What I am most proud of is initially realising that there was something not quite right with myself and my mental health, and asking for help. Despite a previous diagnosis of depression, I felt like something else was at play- and my...

Susann Brox Nilsen

Susann Brox Nilsen

Something I Am Proud Of: I’ve always been honest to my son about my illness, from when he was little boy. I believe this has been the right thing to do, as many times he has witnessed his mom being in bed, or being extra exhausted due to mental illness. By...

Carmen Beatriz Merchan Suarez

Carmen Beatriz Merchan Suarez

Something I Am Proud Of: I am proud because I am aware of my illness. When I was diagnosed at 21 years old I was very afraid to take medication. My life became chaotic and the first 5 years were hard but there came a time when I learned to life with my illness. Even...

Megan James

Megan James

Something I Am Proud Of: My proudest moment came when I realized that I am my biggest advocate. After keeping silent for so long, I began to understand that I can’t get better if I: 1) don’t support myself 2) be open and honest with others. Advice For Newly Diagnosed:...

Christine Anderson

Christine Anderson

Something I Am Proud Of: I believe what I am most proud of is acceptance of my disorder. I was diagnosed in 1987 and did not accept the diagnosis and begin treatment until 2008. My denial and rejection of treatment led me to 4 years in federal prison. Upon my release...

Jesse Zook Mann

Jesse Zook Mann

Something I Am Proud Of: I am proud that I have been able to transform my most painful years into work that helps others get better. I am proud to bring patients who dedicate their lives to their healing journey together. Advice For Newly Diagnosed: I almost gave up...

Renate Olinger

Renate Olinger

Something I Am Proud Of: I’m proud of the fact that I have shown myself that I’m strong enough to pick myself up. I’ve accepted my diagnosis, I take responsibility for my mental healthcare and I openly talk about my diagnosis and advocate for mental...

David Crumley

David Crumley

Something I Am Proud Of: I am proud of being able to feel self-love and self-compassion. The moment someone told me I was worthy of love, and I actually felt it, was the turning point in my recovery. We’re always so hard on ourselves. With self compassion, I’ve been...

Tiana Guerra

Tiana Guerra

Something I Am Proud Of: I’m proudest of my commitment to help others the way others helped me. The more I learn about myself and disorder, the more types of tools I practice, the more I feel empowered to sit with and work through moments that are hard....

Cassandra Stout

Cassandra Stout

Something I Am Proud Of: I am proud of the parent I’ve become. Through my son’s infancy and toddlerhood, I suffered from debilitating bipolar and postpartum depression. I am sad to say that I neglected him, to the point where I rarely brushed his teeth (or...

Nicole Ciano

Nicole Ciano

Something I Am Proud Of: I’m proud of doing common things such as going out and not feeling triggered by sound or crowds. Advice For Newly Diagnosed: Don’t deny your diagnosis. Acceptance is key. Without acceptance you’re not able to receive the help...

Thea Madeline Porter

Thea Madeline Porter

Something I Am Proud Of: It has been seven years since my last episode and ten years since first diagnosis. I’m determined to never have one again. With blood, sweet, tears and a lot of CBT while being medically compliant I am walking on the other side,...

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