Something I Am Proud Of: I developed bipolar disorder halfway through college. This made the second half of college much more challenging. I took several semesters off. Imagine trying to take classes while depression drains you of motivation, energy, and ability to...
Something I Am Proud Of: Ever since I was a little girl, I dreamt of being an author. Over the years, I made positive steps towards writing a book, but it never came to fruition. Back in 2013, my bipolar disorder was strangling me every single day. It seemed like I...
Something I Am Proud Of: Being unapologetically me. When I was first diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, I was in denial and afraid of the stigma that surrounded mental health disorders. It took me a year to finally share with my friends and family. Now, I am proud of...
Something I Am Proud Of: This year marks my 10th anniversary (I guess) of understanding what makes me different. What has been paramount in my success is staying on top of myself- accountability, resilience, and love. I can say I have not lived the conformed cookie...
Something I Am Proud Of: To tell my girlfriend, and my boss that I need to pause my life and seek immediate help before I try (again) to harm myself. To be comfortable telling people how I feel and why I will ‘disappear’ for a month to receive therapy and...
Something I Am Proud Of: My journey in managing my mental illness began with cultivating determination. I consider this the foundation for developing self-awareness of my strengths and weaknesses. I utilized these strengths when I underwent the peer support...
Something I Am Proud Of: The thing I am most proud of is finishing my over three-hundred-page memoir about my experiences entitled Daddy Issues: A Bipolar Memoir. I have lived through so much, and I’m so proud that I’ve been able to make sense of my life...
Something I Am Proud Of: I am most proud of how far I have come over the years. I remember how I felt when I kept relapsing and was navigating managing my mental illness as well as caring for another person with bipolar disorder. Graduating college, being in a healthy...
Something I Am Proud Of: I am proud of myself for learning to better manage my anxiety. It has been a long road, with lots of hard work, and I have learned a lot about myself and my anxiety. For example, it largely shows up in work environments, in large group...
Something I Am Proud Of: Existing with bipolar disorder and other comorbid mental illnesses is something that I often remind myself is more than enough to be proud of. I am proud that I exemplify courage and resilience and refuse to settle for anything less than what...
Something I Am Proud Of: It’s been 7 years since my last episode and 10 years since first diagnosis. I’m determined never to have one again. With blood, sweat, tears and a lot of CBT, while being medically compliant, I am walking on the other side,...
Something I Am Proud Of: Something I’m proud of in my journey of managing my mental illness is publishing a book of poetry about my experience with health professionals and educating them on how things are from the other side of their treatment. My book is a...
Something I Am Proud Of: The moment I realized I am like everybody else despite my diagnosis’ was the light in my journey. I realized my diagnosis of mental health problems is no different than physical diagnosis like asthma or diabetes. Ultimately, when I saw myself...
Something I Am Proud Of: I am especially proud of the fact that I was able to write and self-publish “The Mental Patient: A Journey of Faith” on Amazon. This fictional memoir is based on my 65 years of struggling with bipolar with psychosis. It came in three stages...
Something I Am Proud Of: One time I led a local community training on mental illness and I decided to integrate my own experiences with recovery into the training. It was a leap for me because my illness would be made public. The response was huge and people...
Something I Am Proud Of: For years I thought if I tried harder I could be different, normal. I was diagnosed in my 20s and finally found hope. I now know there is a name for what I experience and that there is treatment. I’ve tried to give positive meaning to my...
Something I Am Proud Of: I completed my 10 month DBT class, and got my first full-time job during treatment! Advice For Newly Diagnosed: Learn how to access the beauty and creativity through the ups and downs. Getting treatment, whatever that means for you, is...
Something I Am Proud Of: I was diagnosed more than 16 years ago, and have struggled tremendously with my diagnosis. Through all of the bumps in the road, I have never given up on myself. There have been times when I’ve been overwhelmed by this disorder, but I continue...
Something I Am Proud Of: I am proud of the moment that I realized that I wanted to become a Yoga Teacher. Yoga is about yoking the mind, body & soul – aligning with the Powers that be. So, you see, I was most pleased to have had the courage to face the Spiritual...
Something I Am Proud Of: I am succeeding by fulfilling my daily commitments to my kids, my family, my friends, and my job. I am fighting every day with the help of my support system. My proudest moment in my journey has been the day I became a facilitator for DBSA...
Something I Am Proud Of: What I am most proud of is initially realising that there was something not quite right with myself and my mental health, and asking for help. Despite a previous diagnosis of depression, I felt like something else was at play- and my...
Something I Am Proud Of: I’ve always been honest to my son about my illness, from when he was little boy. I believe this has been the right thing to do, as many times he has witnessed his mom being in bed, or being extra exhausted due to mental illness. By...
Something I Am Proud Of: I am proud because I am aware of my illness. When I was diagnosed at 21 years old I was very afraid to take medication. My life became chaotic and the first 5 years were hard but there came a time when I learned to life with my illness. Even...
Something I Am Proud Of: My proudest moment came when I realized that I am my biggest advocate. After keeping silent for so long, I began to understand that I can’t get better if I: 1) don’t support myself 2) be open and honest with others. Advice For Newly Diagnosed:...
Something I Am Proud Of: I believe what I am most proud of is acceptance of my disorder. I was diagnosed in 1987 and did not accept the diagnosis and begin treatment until 2008. My denial and rejection of treatment led me to 4 years in federal prison. Upon my release...
Something I Am Proud Of: I am proud that I have been able to transform my most painful years into work that helps others get better. I am proud to bring patients who dedicate their lives to their healing journey together. Advice For Newly Diagnosed: I almost gave up...
Something I Am Proud Of: I’m proud of the fact that I have shown myself that I’m strong enough to pick myself up. I’ve accepted my diagnosis, I take responsibility for my mental healthcare and I openly talk about my diagnosis and advocate for mental...
Something I Am Proud Of: I am proud of being able to feel self-love and self-compassion. The moment someone told me I was worthy of love, and I actually felt it, was the turning point in my recovery. We’re always so hard on ourselves. With self compassion, I’ve been...
Something I Am Proud Of: I’m proudest of my commitment to help others the way others helped me. The more I learn about myself and disorder, the more types of tools I practice, the more I feel empowered to sit with and work through moments that are hard....
Something I Am Proud Of: I am proud of the parent I’ve become. Through my son’s infancy and toddlerhood, I suffered from debilitating bipolar and postpartum depression. I am sad to say that I neglected him, to the point where I rarely brushed his teeth (or...
Something I Am Proud Of: I’m proud of doing common things such as going out and not feeling triggered by sound or crowds. Advice For Newly Diagnosed: Don’t deny your diagnosis. Acceptance is key. Without acceptance you’re not able to receive the help...
Something I Am Proud Of: It has been seven years since my last episode and ten years since first diagnosis. I’m determined to never have one again. With blood, sweet, tears and a lot of CBT while being medically compliant I am walking on the other side,...